Our treatments


B-One works from the Holistic Chinese philosophy, 
ie body and mind are inseparably linked

Bocam treatment plan

stands for Movement, Relaxation, Concentration, Breathing and Massage.

The Bocam treatment plan is compiled in response to the Body 

Mind Check-up (BMC). The treatment plan may include the

following aspects: foot massage, sand / silk iron, meridian activation,

 therapeutic massage or basic Cranio Sacral treatment.

A   treatment plan consists of at least 4 treatments.

Your own dedication and cooperation help to speed up the process.

You will also receive a list of simple tips that you can follow.

BMC = Body Mind Check-up

During this extensive consultation various aspects of your BEING

are investigated. Such as, for example; concentration, flexibility, 

balance and the drawing test.

The drawing test helps to bring problems that are in the subconscious 

mind to the surface. This makes it clear where the disruption

is and can be worked on. Your own awareness and willingness to 

cooperate by doing exercises at home and / or introducing small 

changes in your eating habits, speed up the process.

This extensive check-up takes approximately 2 to 2 1/2 hours. A first treatment is part of this check-up.


Moxa is a thick rod, similar to an incense stick, but then thicker and made from mugwort.

With this treatment heat or energy can be given to the body. For example with a burn-out  (being burned out, so experience lack of heat or ... .. emptiness) or / bore-out (no more inspiration from the present job you are doing, tiredness ).

When feeling cold, this expresses itself e.g. often have to pee a lot at night or often wake up.

Bladder problems (inflammation), exhausted and / or have been spanned (having a short wick!).

Moxa promotes better flow of energy. Also with scars, which disturb or delay the flow of energy in the energy channels (meridians), with additional problems. Also wiith a cold belly !

Therapeutic massage

Touching and being touched are essential human needs. We need each other to feel ourselves. Feeling ourselves good.

After the intake, the problem areas will be treated during the massage. This can be with various techniques so that the symptoms will decrease or

disappear. Stress and feeling of tension literally dissolve.

With chronic complaints, multiple consultations will be required and possibly appropriate advice to reduce the problem.

With every massage you will be able to relax deeper and deeper, so that the balance is also restored from within.


This therapy is already 3000 years old and comes from the HOPI Indians, they were very spiritual and with their healing methods highly developed. That this method has persisted in all those years proves its effect.

Problems that are addressed with the ear candles include: ringing in the ears, ear infection (middle ear), tension headache, stress, eye problems, nasal cavities, sinusitis, throat problems, depression.

A nice side effect is that both halves of the brain are brought into balance, so that you experience a deep relaxation in the head (a tidy and light feeling!). And the negativity fields caused by thoughts are being solved. For example with depression.


Buqi is a very old healing method from China. For years kept secret and only applied within the family. With this treatment you will be treated in its entirety.

Disease or disruption already starts in the field that surrounds you. These signals are often not (properly) felt or not responded to in time. (e.g. shivers when a flu comes in, suddenly no appetite for what you normally like). By 'scanning' the field around you, it is investigated where the disturbances are located. Only few techniques will touch.

Based on my findings, I use various hand and foot techniques, sometimes with sound to remove the disturbances and bring the body back into balance. You can then e.g. experience cold, heat, vibrations, emotions or spontaneous movements.

You often feel intensely cold after the treatment because 'sick' Chi has been removed and there has become a void in your 'field'. Therefore, bring warm clothing or a blanket for the journey home. Don't forget your head (hat, cap, scarf .....).

Possibly, take a warm shower at home until you are warm inside again.


Bach flowers are developed by Dr. Bach. He was very ill himself and therefore withdrew to nature in Wales. By studying the characters of plants and trees, he has developed the Bach flowers. Through his self-study and intake of extracts he made specifically for himself, he developed his famous healing method and healed himself.

These remedies work with emotional problems. Such as, insecurity, fears, worries, being unable to stop thinking, indecision, phobias, longing for the past, perfectionism, fear of stain, apathy, bitterness (hate), despair, panic, depression, etc.

When do you use Bach flowers? If you e.g. are very jealous, you are out of balance. After all, being in balance gives all-embracing love and there is no reason for jealousy.

Dr. Bach discovered that the Hulst helps you to get back into balance with that all-embracing love.

Through a focused conversation of about an hour, it becomes clear where the disturbance is and a bach blossom remedy is put together. This is included in the first consultation.

From my own experience I have discovered that children and pets in particular respond enormously well to these remedies and are quickly back in balance. Besides the children and animals, parents and owners are also very happy again.

Would you like to attend a Tai Chi lesson, get acquainted with or explain more about a treatment, 
would you like to have given a workshop or do you have another question, please contact the B-One practice.


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